Viewing (another) Fatal error: Theme CSS could not load.....

(another) Fatal error: Theme CSS could not load.....

User: Jerry S. 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue as the OP in the thread above, but there was no reply back from them about what may have solved the issue, so here we go again.

On my mac (the one used to create the site) I've got safari, firefox and chrome and it had all loaded and worked fine on each of the browsers (not only in preview mode, but actual 'live' after i'd uploaded it). Although some of the fonts do not show exactly the same on Firefox, but I'm not too worried about that. Seems to be OK on iOS phones.

I've also got 2 windows PCs on my desk (one is windows 10 and the other is the previous OS), the site loads fine (albeit a bit slow) on Firefox but the windows 10 machine has the "fatal error: theme CSS could not load after 20 sec." when loading this page on Chrome (of course those are the image slider pics).

This came to my attention after a customer told me he was getting that error too. He had no way to see the pictures.

Roddy (from the original post mentioned above) said it may have to do with the names of the photos? Taking out the spaces and such. I'm willing to rename all photos (and my dog if it'll help), but if someone could maybe point me to something I should start with, that'd be a help.

EDIT: well, I tried renaming the photos (on the problem-child page) and reloaded the site and no change. The odd thing is one of my other pages has a similar layout and image slider stuff without any issues

I apologize if this is covered elsewhere in the forums or is a simple thing I haven't learned yet. I put together my site after iWeb took a dive after I updated to El Capitan (yeah, I know), so I've had to rush to get something back up for my customers.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


Last edit 8 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
HI Jerry,

The problem is the same as Roddy suggested in the other post. You have a lot of images and image galleries on one page. If someone has a slow connection they may see that error because your page takes a long time to download. It would be better if you used less images on your page to make sure it loads faster. I would recommend that you split up this page into 2 - 3 in order to ensure your page loads faster and avoids this issue.

EverWeb Developer
User: Jerry S. 8 years ago
Hey Paul,

Thanks for responding.

I'll rename all the pics (without spaces) and just remove the image sliders and go with static pics for the time being until I can get a better idea on how to show alternate views of the pics and/or find a way to break up the pages like you suggested. I kind of had a feeling I might be overloading a bit.

I'm not trying to be a jerk and argue about it, or blame it on your software... I'd like to blame it on a slow connection too, but it will load perfectly fine on slow connections (like the one I have here at the shop, spotty DSL), and a friends even-slower line of sight RF connection in the boonies. Then, I have another PC on my desktop, and it loads quick on firefox, but shows the error on Chrome. Another desktop PC in my shipping department will load it perfectly fine on both firefox and chrome. I had another friend test in using a hefty cable connection a few cities away and it loads fine in chrome, but IE has the issue.

When I send someone the link for it, the error comes up as soon as they hit enter to load the page, it doesn't take but 1 second for the "fatal error" boxes to come up.

Thanks for your time and suggestions, I'll get rolling on it.
User: James G. 8 years ago
If you do a search with that error followed by chrome you get a lot of stuff about galleria sliders. Seems to only be bad on certain machines and only using chrome.

As far as the error coming up instantly for some- my guess is that since chrome is google, there is probably a mass cache (hive-mind some would say) in google's system that already knows the problem exists and feeds the error to some automatically.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
It's a simple matter of page load time. Make sure the images are optimised JPEGs with good file names and keep them down to a reasonable number.

20 seconds is way more than enough. A web page - especially a home page - should not take any longer than a couple of seconds to load.

If the problem persists, you could try using one of the many alternative sliders. Take a look at the ones which have a lazy load function.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Courtney H. 8 years ago
Jim -

I looked at those pages with Chrome on Win 10 and they load fine (no sliders though). The sizes seem to be appropriate with them being less than 300x300. I have a very fast connection and that could be the key. I run a ton of pictures on one site I maintain and I find keeping them to 25 oe less per page helps the loading time.
One thing I got to say is you must have been very busy with your camera :-)

MrCourtney - Honolulu, HI
Mac Studio - dial monitors; iMac 27 5K - Dual Monitors - 10 TB hub
Alienware: Area 51 - 24 gb - Dual Monitors - All SSD
25 TB network storage

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