Viewing Make a Site duplicate

Make a Site duplicate

User: Frank M. 8 years ago
So I am moving from iWeb to EverWeb but plan to just start fresh.

I've seen an interesting article about doing the mobile version and how things should be put on a page.

The sites All have Common Elements
So it seems I should be able to build the Master Pages (mobile, tablet and computer) then the site pages for a single site and the duplicate the whole site with master pages and just change the content, rather than be clicking and dragging the same stuff.

So Has anyone done this? Know how to do this? Is there a ?make my own Master template ability?

Thanks in advance

User: Roddy 8 years ago
There are basically three ways to create a website which performs well on all devices.

Using the TriSite method with the Touch widgets, the smart phone version would be created first and then duplicated. Its easier and more efficient to create a compact layout and increase the number of items and their widths althoug most EverWeb users don't seem to understand this. Using the touch widgets speeds this up considerably since it vastly reduces the number of separate items per page by using HTML5 containers.

If you are creating a single level website - with no directories - it's quicker to create all three versions on the same project file and use the Redirect widget to create the redirects.

Using the Full Width widgets, you only need to create two version of the site. Use the Mobile First method to create a site for Tablet and Computer. Check out the Layout page to see how to create and use a wireframe page and template pages which are used in conjunction with master pages.

Using a wireframe page will also help to ensure you that you don't make the mistake of inserting you items in the wrong order!

Many EverWeb users are creating sites with the Full Width widgets since these give the computer/tablet site a modern responsive look. I wonder how many of them have realised that they can also use the same widgets to create a design which responds to the different sizes of smart phone?


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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