Viewing How To Publish From Multiple Machines

How To Publish From Multiple Machines

User: Matt M. 8 years ago
My Mac Pro is under construction so I assembled a Macbook Pro to get me by for a few weeks. I copied a backup of my most recent edits on the Mac Pro of my project from external Time Machine disks and am now publishing a few minor updates using the laptop.

The problem is that when I selected to Publish Site Changes everything in the left hand column went red, indicating that the entire project is replacing the existing project even though I only edited a few pages out of a project with dozens of pages.

Every time EverWeb does this (replacing the entire site when clicking Publish Site Changes) it not only takes many hours to replace the entire site, it never publishes everything accurately. There are always broken links, missing images, floating text boxes, malfunctioning hyperlinks, etc. But those are issues technical support has been aware of for over a year. Changing my hosting to EverWeb has made no improvement. I digress somewhat, these are not the issues I am expecting to find resolution for today, just the issues associated with the latest issue.

I would very much like to be able to make updates to my project from various machines, like when traveling. It would be great to find a way that doesn't trigger EverWeb to replace the entire site when just making small edits. Does anyone have a solution?

My only idea is to use Dropbox, hoping EverWeb would think I am always working from the same folder. But is there a way to make EverWeb always use a Dropbox folder instead of in the hidden Library/Application Support/EverWeb location where it usually stays? Thanks in advance.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Matt,

Sorry for the issues you are having but you should definitely be using Dropbox for your project file;

That should fix all your issues. You just need to double click the EverWeb project file on your Dropbox folder instead of using the EverWeb project window.

EverWeb has to make sure that all your files are published properly and if you are just copying and pasting the project file to your new computer it may not be properly synced up.

EverWeb is going to have to publish your entire site whenever you change the name or add/remove a page that is included in your navbar. Otherwise the navigation bar won't work properly the next time you publish your site. So please keep that in mind when making changes to your site.

Last edit 8 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Matt M. 8 years ago
Thanks for your quick reply Paul. I did not modify any of the master pages, title information, header or footer codes, or anything else I can think of that was site-wide, which I know would cause the entire site to republish. I don't know why it is republishing the entire site.

The link on how to use Dropbox is much appreciated. I will delete EverWeb from my dock so I can't accidentally open any projects from there again. I've recently been more heavily relying on Dropbox for much of my work for various apps and types of files. I hope the rest of the issues I am still experiencing will be resolved soon with updates.

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