Viewing Contact Me not working with Go Daddy email

Contact Me not working with Go Daddy email

User: Kevin R. 8 years ago
I use my domain name email address and it does not forward to my Go Daddy account. I tried it with another email (work) and it works fine - any one have issues like this? How to correct?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
The email account setup will be at GoDaddy so you need to contact them to see what the problem is.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Kevin R. 8 years ago
Thanks Roddy - Will reach out to them.
User: Cheryl V. 8 years ago
HiKevin, I have the same problem and after extensive testing, I believe the issue is with GoDaddy and NOT the Everweb contact widget. Heres why: we have two sites hosted by GoDaddy each with with associated email accounts. Recently we were required to migrate one of the sites to their "new" server. The other site remained on an older server. Both of our sites used the contact widget and both worked fine before the migration. After migration the widget stopped forwarding email. What we found is that it works with any other email address EXCEPT the one associated with the migrated site (even the other email associated with the old server and hosted by GoDaddy). I have not had the wherewithal to work with their tech support yet, but will soon. Try changing the email address it sends to to another email (gmail or the like) and see if it works that way for you.

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