Viewing new website using the Trisite Redirect from ever web codebox

new website using the Trisite Redirect from ever web codebox

User: spyboynola 8 years ago
built a new website with all sizes in same project (fyi) using the redirect code widget from codebox then I bought a new domain I built a one page project and named it nolamusicguides with a meta tag <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url="/>" everything works great except when I use sitemap automator I only get one link.
As the FYI project is now a sub directory of nolamusicguides has at this point has 24 pages that do not show up in site map.
Should I scrap the one page nolamusicguides project and rename FYI to nolamusicguides instead of having two projects ?

Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
When you log into your google account to check on crawls & whatnot, does your Sitemap Automator submitted sitemaps show as being indexed?
Mine never have, I just use google to do it. I use Sitemap Automator still just hoping it gets indexed by Bing (Yahoo).
User: spyboynola 8 years ago
On my other sites my site map always seems to test as working thru google.
I guess I should post this in another section!

Last edit 8 years ago

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