Viewing It there a way to change masking size?

It there a way to change masking size?

User: Amber D. 8 years ago
I use the masking tool heavily. Is there a way to change the size of the masking box itself other than click and drag? I find this relatively time consuming when there are multiple images and I am looking to make them uniform.

When I click "mask" the same sized mask box comes up automatically; is there a way I can make that automatic box a set size?

Back when I used iWeb, when I was in the mask mode, I was able to physically type in the box px sizes in the image size area. Can Everweb do that too? It doesn't work for me currently, am I looking in the wrong area?

Please help?
User: Roddy 8 years ago
I find this relatively time consuming when there are multiple images and I am looking to make them uniform.

Idealy, website images should be imported into the app at the size and aspect ratio required. It's far quicker and more efficient to crop the images and optimise their size prior to import. I use EasyCrop for this and I consider it to be an essential tool for anybody who inserts images into websites. Preview will do the same but not quite so quickly and efficiently.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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