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Restructure website

User: Nick K. 8 years ago
If I restructure my website, that is, create new directories, and move pages from old directories to the new ones, I'm afraid I am going to lose all my SEO, and any links out there on the web to my site won't work.

Is the solution to create a duplicate page, and point the old one to the new one? Will my SEO standing with google be maintined?

User: James G. 8 years ago
It is a tough one. Google doe not really like redirects. If you have good SEO standing with google, you will probably take a hi for a short time before things get right in google's system.
In major e-commerce platforms, they always state it will take up to 90 days to regain your traffic in full when migrating from one platform to another. From what I have seen, it is usually much shorter than that, but they are doing a portion for you.
My guess is that the biggest wait would be that google also does not like major changes to a site all of a sudden. it sets off flags since 'scammers' make a lot of big changes.
If you are keeping the same domain and page names, the links should still be fine. If you are worried, create a duplicate and redirect for a few months, but keep in mind that some browsers will not redirect without being told to, thus losing some visits from some users.
Ultimately, if you are in good standing SEO-wise with google, you should be rather quickly after changes. Just take your time and make it right before re-launching.
That is my 2 cents.
User: Nick K. 8 years ago
Thanks Jim, that's really helpful. My website is still quite new, so I don't have a great SEO standing yet, but was starting to move in the right direction. I guess I just need to go for it then wait.
User: Nick K. 8 years ago
Thanks Jim, that's really helpful. My website is still quite new, so I don't have a great SEO standing yet, but was starting to move in the right direction. I guess I just need to go for it then wait.
User: Nick K. 8 years ago
Hi Jim (or anybody else following),

I have a follow up question. Even though you said Google doesn't really like redirects, I have done redirects from my old page URLs to the new ones. However, more than 24 hours has passed, and those old pages are still being pulled up by Google and not redirecting to the new ones. How long does it take for a redirect to work? Shouldn't it be automatic?

Thanks again
User: Don B. 8 years ago
As long as your old page still exists where your website is stored Google will still list it in a search. You need to make sure that the old website is totally removed except for your redirect page.

i.e. When I switched from iWeb to EverWeb Google still sent still sent people to my old website because it was still stored on GoDaddy. After I removed ALL my old iWeb pages except the former iWeb home page which I turned into a redirect page, from GoDaddy it didn't take very long for Google to find the new website.

Last edit 8 years ago

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