Viewing Replace HTML files

Replace HTML files

User: Joel D. 8 years ago
Some of my old pages are in the .html extension and I want to change these with Everweb pages.
Is it possible to save over these with a .html without deleting the pages from the host?

Thanks for anybodies help.

User: wellnl 8 years ago
Hi Joel

When you publish your EW project to your host any files you place in the same location with the same name will be overwritten. If you are replacing an old website with a new EW created one, back up the old one and keep it somewhere safe in case you need to rollback. If you don't know how to to do this your host provider may be able to guide you as to the best way to do this. If the EW website is replacing an old website then you may want to put it in a new location on the host and use redirects from the old site to the new site location. Again, your host provider should be able to assist with this. If you have an EW+hosting account, you can redirect using EW itself.


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