Viewing "Home" in navigation bar doesn't work

"Home" in navigation bar doesn't work

User: Patrick M. 8 years ago
Hi, for some reason the "Home" link in my navigation bar isn't working when published, even though it worked fine in preview. When I go to my site the home page loads fine, and I can navigate to the other pages, but then when I try to click back on the Home link from one of those, I get a page not found error. It seems to be looking for index.html and not finding it. I tried changing the name of my home page to "index" instead of "Home," but it didn't help.
User: Patrick M. 8 years ago
I also tried adding /index.html to the Website url in ftp publication settings. Also didn't work.

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Roddy 8 years ago
EverWeb renames yout "home" page as index.html.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Patrick M. 8 years ago
That's what I thought, but I still don't understand why the link then doesn't work when it is published, or how to fix it.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Your "Home" link works OK for me. Try clearing you browser history or hit the refresh button a few times when visiting the published site.

You should also text your site in as many browsers as you can - Chrome, Firefox and perhaps Safari.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Patrick M. 8 years ago
Aha, thanks, yeah, I had to clear the history in Safari. I't amazing how hard it is to convince any browser (others, too, like Firefox and Chrome) that there has been an update.

Last edit 8 years ago

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