Viewing Import existing website files

Import existing website files

User: Richard S. 8 years ago
I have an existing website which I have been maintaining using Dreamweaver. I no longer have access to Dreamweaver, so I have purchased EverWeb (standalone). How do I import my existing site's files, etc. into EverWeb. Please don't tell me that I need to start from scratch and rebuild the entire site!
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
You need to start from scratch and rebuild the entire site.

You could have figured it out yourself by pulling down a menu and looking for the import command.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Richard,

You can copy and past your text and images from your site in your browser into EverWeb, but you will have to re-build your website with EverWeb.

I recommend that you use the Master Pages feature which will speed up the process of re-designing your website.

EverWeb Developer
User: Richard S. 8 years ago
Jumbo: I pulled down lots of menus looking for "import." Not finding it, I asked.

Paul: Thanks for the information.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Richard,

Don't worry, you can and should ask any question you want here, especially if you are unsure.

@jumbo: there is no reason for that condescending remark.

Please remember, not everybody is at the same skill levels and there is no problem asking any questions on this forum.

EverWeb Developer

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