Viewing AWeber


User: Randy W. 8 years ago
I use AWeber to send out news to my subscribers. Can I put a sign up form on the home page of my Everweb site that links to my aWeber account so I can capture new subscriber names and emails? Or, is there a better way to contact subscribers than through AWeber? The emails I send out never require any fancy formatting. Thank you!

Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
When you make the form at aweber, you can get an HTML code that you put into an HTML Snippet you drag onto the page and size. The code goes in the sidebar on right that will open when HTML Snippet is dragged onto page. Hit Apply to make it active.
I did a search of 'aweber vs mailchimp', two of the popular services. Aweber got better marks for most things. If you already use it, it will probably be the easiest since you are used to it.
This page is how to create a form and number 9 mentions the HTML code you get.
✔ Best Answer  
User: Randy W. 8 years ago
Wow. That worked like a charm. Thank you so much. You are a life saver!!

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