Viewing I started making directories

I started making directories

User: spyboynola 8 years ago
I started making directories and then decided not to and now one page I was able to drag out of directory but the others don't want to move. what up?
User: James G. 8 years ago
No message comes up? Like you can't move it because name already exists in location you are trying to move to.
Have you tried to drag page to left before moving up or down? You know that line with little circle that appears when you grab a page, under the page name? If you go left far enough you usually get that line to extend and then can move from directory. The directory pages have that line but is indented like the pages are.
Have you tried to duplicate the page and then move the duplicate out of the directory?
User: spyboynola 8 years ago
well I quit EW and restarted computer and everything was fine! It has been a long time since I had to do that to get EW to respond. Wonder what is going on but happy it is ok now. Thanks

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