Viewing HTML Snippit forces auto height / responsive

HTML Snippit forces auto height / responsive

User: Cristina F. 8 years ago
I am trying to add an event list from a member services data base. The html code from them is:
<div id="SFctr" class="SF" data-org="14951" data-ini="!event-list" data-scl="0" data-sfi="1" style="position:relative;height:auto"><div id="SFpne" style="position:relative"><div class="SFpne">Loading...</div></div><div style="clear:both"></div></div><script type="text/java script" src="//" defer="defer"></script>

I can't seem to adjust the height so as we add events to the list, the list keeps getting longer which makes it run over the sites content and pushes the bottom as far as it wants...

The database service we are using says "you should set the CSS for that container to overflow-y:scroll."

I don't know if/how I am able to do that...

Thank you!
User: James G. 8 years ago
Someone may see this and answer. My guess is that it gets inserted into the code you already have; where, I don't know.
Ask the company if it goes in the snippet, and if so where in the snippet.
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Probably the easiest way is to wrap the code in another div and apply the overflow selector to it.

In the DEMO, I have added a border and some padding to show the outline of the new div. You can set these to zero and adjust the values of height and width to whatever you want.

The new div is marked in red. Paste ALL the code into the Snippet.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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