Viewing Is there a way to NOT view a PDF and just have it download?

Is there a way to NOT view a PDF and just have it download?

User: Bill N. 8 years ago
It seems that there is a raging debate over the Firefox browser allowing restricted PDFs to be printed anyway even if the PDF file has restrictions turned on to prevent printing. It seems all other browsers respect the restrictions of PDF except for Firefox.

So, my question is this: Is there a way that when I click on my webpage that contains the hyperlink to the PDF, that the file will just be downloaded and NOT viewed first with the browser's PDF viewer?
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Bill,

You would have to create a .zip file of the PDF file. That would be the easiest way. Usually it is up to the web browser if it supports displaying a PDF within itself. Most web browsers do now.

EverWeb Developer
User: James G. 8 years ago
Try looking here and hopefully it helps.

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