Viewing Site visitors can't get to site by simply typing the url

Site visitors can't get to site by simply typing the url

User: Jeffrey S. 8 years ago
When I type in my url:
all browsers say the site cannot be found.

The url for the first page under my top directory is

-What dio U di to direct a visitor to the website if s/he just types in the url as
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
You registered the domainname with the wrong spelling :

In case you did not spot it : AMEERICAN

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Jeffrey S. 8 years ago
Thank you. What an oversight! I have written to my provider to ask how I can correct/change the name of the domain I mistakenly, i.e. misspelled when I applied for the domain. Do you know if this is difficult or time-consuming or expensive? Thanks again.
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
You registered the domainname 2 days ago at STRATO.

They can tell you more about changing the domainname, the time it takes and the costs.

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