Viewing Google Analytics

Google Analytics

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
I did just find some video's for adding the Google code to Everweb. However, one video (from Everweb) said to install it in the footer code box. Another video I watched said to add it into the header code box. Google says on their website it should be in the head tag some place.

So can someone tell me if it makes a difference and if it should be in the header or footer code box??

I'm having a problem with my son in laws website. He runs a seasonal business and GoDaddy didn't tell him the dates on his credit card expired and his website went down for almost 6 weeks. He didn't notice because it's seasonal and he didn't really look at it.

Now it's back up and Google is totally ignoring it. It's NOT listed in Google at all. I added it to the Google Search Console, I uploaded a sitemap and still nothing. I was told that adding Google Analytics to the site helps a lot.
Thanks for any help.


Last edit 8 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble.

You can place Google Analytics in either the Head section or the Footer section under the File menu->Edit Publishing Settings.

If your website was down for 6 weeks then Google would have removed it from their index. If you just submitted the sitemap, please wait a few days as it can take some time to get back into Google's index.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Susan S. 8 years ago
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your help. This has been really bad for bookings with his seasonal business so I'm trying to get him in ASAP. I've done the site map and just added the analytics so lets hope it happens sooner rather than later! Thanks again.


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