Viewing How do you scroll up and down the page?

How do you scroll up and down the page?

User: Lamont G. 8 years ago
This must be the most basic question ever. I just started using Everweb. I have a page with lots of large photos. I want to be able to scroll easily from the top to the bottom of the page. I don't use a mouse I use an apple trackpad.

I don't see any scroll bar unless I pull the side of the web page and then you only have a split second to try and swing over and grab it.

I try the up and down arrows on my keyboard lots of different ways and nothing.

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Lamont G. 8 years ago
I found a solution. You push down on the trackpad with one finger and slide a second finger up or down.

I think this is the only program I've used where the arrows will not work.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Lamont,

You can just scroll with two fingers on your trackpad.

But there is also a system setting in your System preferences (not EverWeb Preferences) under General to always show scrollbars. It is a system wide setting and once you enable it and quit and relaunch EverWeb you will see the scrollbars everywhere.

Hope this helps!

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: James G. 8 years ago
Check out this page for a bunch of things that you can do on a trackpad. The right-click is so nice.

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