Viewing Adding a template to Everweb Version 1.9.5

Adding a template to Everweb Version 1.9.5

User: Simon H. 8 years ago
How do you add a template from Template Monster to use in EverWeb?

The one I wish to use is here:

This would make it so much easier to use a responsive website!

Any help appreciated!

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Simon H. 8 years ago
User: Jeremy-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Simon. You cannot add any template into EverWeb. The template would need to be created in EverWeb. In a case such as this one, you would want to rebuild the website from templatemonster in EverWeb.

We also offer many templates in EverWeb, and are always adding more over time.
User: James G. 8 years ago
The Text Link for Tweets near bottom of that page (on right) is nearly impossible to read against that dark background.
User: Simon H. 8 years ago
I am really starting to feel the limitations with EverWeb now... especially in regards to full width images downloading quickly and no real responsive support which really needs to be part of EverWeb by now! I really love EverWeb as a better version of iWeb but I just don't think I can use it for professional websites for clients, unfortunately!

Hope you developers can add these essential tools and make EverWeb a truly responsive web design application.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Simon,

I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations with EverWeb.

Large images will always take longer to download, no matter what tool you use to build a website. EverWeb though is one of the only tools that automatically optimizes your images for the web when you publish.

As for responsive websites it is something we are working on but please do not confuse responsive websites with mobile friendly websites. In fact, Google now recommends dedicated mobile websites.

We are working hard to improve EverWen and deliver a great product. I think EverWeb is great for creating professional and modern websites.

Thanks for your feedback.

EverWeb Developer

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