Viewing Website appearance on Facebook

Website appearance on Facebook

User: Danny V. 8 years ago
When someone (or I) post a link of my website on Facebook, you can only see a short description of my website.
What I would like is that you can see an image of my website as well. Is this possible, and how can I do that?

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Raf P. 8 years ago
Watch this

Kind regards,

Raphael Pairoux
User: Danny V. 8 years ago
Many thanks!
User: Danny V. 8 years ago
It's not working, I tried it several times, uploaded the social media image for every page on my site, even changed the image setting to 1200 x 630 (as in the youtube vid), see if that made any difference, but it's not showing up...???
User: Danny V. 8 years ago

Social media image not working..
User: Mary M. 8 years ago
Ditto. I set the social media image exactly as instructed, but it's not showing up on Facebook. I just get an empty square where the photo should be--click-able as a link to the page, but blank. I've tried viewing it on Windows, Mac, and iPhone, with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE, and the iOS Facebook app--same thing. No photo to be seen I thought maybe the photo that's on the web page might be too large a file, so I swapped it for a smaller version--no change. Any other suggestions?
User: James G. 8 years ago
I don't use social media.
The video starts with "....on a social network such as facebook, depending on the social network, an image may appear as the preview for your website."
Doing a search tells me to check the "Facebook 'Object Debugger'" if the image does not show.
Might want to check that, it looks to have to do with cache management, or something.
User: Mary M. 8 years ago
Hi Jim--

Thanks for that suggestion. That page tells me:

"Object Invalid Value--Object at URL '' of type 'website' is invalid because the given value 'http://' for property 'og:url' could not be parsed as type 'url'."

Any idea what that means? It sure looks like a URL to me, and it works like one, except in this regard.

Does it have anything to do with this site being a cheap-o user site in housed the server space that comes with my email account on, rather than on its own dedicated domain? It's a temporary site for an upcoming high school reunion--we're not going to buy a domain for it, so if that's the problem, we'll just have to live with it.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Mary,

Before you publish your website in EverWeb do this;

1. Go to File->Edit Publishing Settings in the top left corner of your screen while you are using EverWeb
2. From the Publish To Dropdown menu select 'Publish To FTP'
3. You will see a field their for your URL, enter this;
4. Go back to Publish to Folder and publish your site from the File menu->Publish Entire Site

Once your entire site is published it should work properly

EverWeb Developer

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