Viewing What page to put in first position for google listing?

What page to put in first position for google listing?

User: spyboynola 8 years ago
What page to put in first position? I realize that the first page is renamed in EW to index html. What should I do, duplicate the first page so visitors arrive on a page that allows them to continue to info immediately? seems like it would add load time? A blank page that is redirected to the former first page? so users have one less naviagation necessary to get to info without affecting load time? Have already built and published a new first position page but that adds another action to get to information. I boast a three touch path to find all information necessary .
User: James G. 8 years ago
I have looked at your site for past couple days. I am not sure what/how to say it, so here goes (it is not my site so I have no idea what you hold dear or not).
When I go to your site, I see 4 links on landing page. 2 are the same links, one is for Contact, and one is listed as 'Vision Impaired'. To me it appears as if the main link and 'Vision Impaired' are essentially the same page, but one is for desktop and one is for mobile.
Since they appear to me to be the same page, I would say add a 'Vision Impaired' link to main linked page. Use the current 'Vision Impaired' link as your 'new' link.
If you don't want to eliminate it, I would tell you to go out in public, bring up both pages and ask strangers to tell you the difference between the two. If the bulk of people reply that there is no difference, or that the differences are minor, you have your answer.
Going out to talk to people should be easy for you since you write about nightlife. I live in Silicon Valley, near Google. Whenever I am working on something, I walk over the bridge into googleland and ask random people about it. I find I get about 50/50 Google employees and regular people. It really helps me to break out of what I am thinking and to get back to thinking like a user instead of a creator. My site,, is set up the way it is because I wanted it that way, and a lot of random strangers told me it was much easier to use than a 'more modern' mobile site with dropdown menus and such. Here in Silicon Valley, the bulk of people I spoke with preferred buttons to use for navigation. That's my 2 cents.
User: spyboynola 8 years ago
I am going to try a blank page in first position with a redirect to page two to eliminate the extra navigation to get to the information I am providing. Thank you for your insight and the time you spent replying.

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