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SEO question

User: spyboynola 8 years ago
Ok I spent some time catching up on my site's google ranking. I was worried that old, out of date sites were ranking higher than mine. After finding my site with different search words I was shocked to find the wrong page was showing up as my first page in the search results ! Well I realized that I needed to change the order of the pages but what to put in first position? I realize that the first page is renamed in EW to index html. What should I do, duplicate the first page so visitors arrive on a page that allows them to continue,? A blank page that is redirected to the former first page? I built a new first page but that ask the user to navigate one more click to get to usable info. I profess to provide "a three click, or tap path to gather all the info you need". So The new page method screws that up! adding a click or tap making it a 4 path. Any ideas? Thanks most appreciated.

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
You can improve your ranking by spelling the URL correctly and make it clickable :
User: spyboynola 8 years ago
Yea ya right [url=] thanks any other ideas LOL

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