Viewing Default EW Pop Up Window and EW Image galerry colors

Default EW Pop Up Window and EW Image galerry colors

User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
in spite of the fact that EW default pop up window is limited by size I really like this feature.
One thing I'd like to be able to change is the default white color of the pop up to a colour that matches the site design.

Same applies to EW default Image gallery, any way of changing these default white to another color?

User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
Turns out we can't change the default color of EW Image gallery and EW Pop up window. Both capitalize on the web browser app as the default look and color. This should be addressed and a solution worked out, we should be able to change the color of the window frames.

My client doesn't like the white frame on a 70% shade Modal background and I can't say I blame him, got to find a solution.

Life as a freelancer
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Both the EverWeb Image Gallery and the Popup window use PrettyPhoto so you would need to edit the PP styles to change things.

There are a number of widgets for creating modals which could produce better results. One of the modal widgets opens the content page in an iframe with an optional border.

Most of the gallery style slideshow widgets have options for styling the grid and the lightbox overlay color and opacity - example.

There's also a gallery with a fullscreen option.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
Hi Robby,

Yep got those CodeBox Modal widget, Modal Image, Modal PDF, Modal Iframe and Modal text, tried them in countless situation they don't always work well, even after following the step by step info available on CodeBox.

Thanks for the PrettyPhoto info I'll look into it.

User: Roddy 8 years ago
The widget I linked to above is different from these other widgets in that it launches the modal window content via an iframe so the content can be styled any which way.

The PrettyPhoto stylesheet does include different themes - light rounded, dark rounded, light square, dark square and facebook style. Presumably, the EverWeb widget uses the default theme.

Last edit 8 years ago


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
So I shouldn't have any issues with this new widget then. Okay I'm willing to give it a try, hopefully this one will work as advertised.

User: Stephane L. 8 years ago
Nha, that won't do I still need the Modal Background effect and I really don't need nor require the Box background, but it does work kinda.

back to the drawing page......


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