Viewing How Do I Link to an external file?

How Do I Link to an external file?

User: Kathy C. 8 years ago
As a previous iWeb user, I'm having difficulty getting any of my pdf files to download using the Link feature in the inspector. Keep getting the message that they are all corrupt files.
Here is what I do: Inspector/Hyperlink/Enable Hyperlink/To file/Choose.

Can anyone figure out what I'm doing wrong?
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Where is your website located online so I can check?

This sounds like your PDF files aren't fully uploaded to your server, but I have to see the exact error message and your website.

A link is the same on any website, whether it is iWeb or EverWeb, so it is likely just that the file is not properly uploaded to your server. A corrupted PDF file message wouldn't have anything to do with EverWeb, it would more likely have to do with the PDF file, or whether or not it was fully uploaded.

EverWeb Developer
User: Kathy C. 8 years ago
Well, actually, Paul, I haven't uploaded my site for the first time yet. I'm using EverWeb Preview (Firefox) to check out links, downloads, etc. first before I upload. I'm wondering if when I go to preview, I'm trying to download the file before it's totally uploaded to Preview? I know that I can open all my files on my computer with Adobe Reader DC.
User: James G. 8 years ago
You may want to read this page, it may help
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