Viewing I couldn's transfer my domain, do I want to use another instead

I couldn's transfer my domain, do I want to use another instead

User: Ía N. 8 years ago
I recently adquiered EverWeb+hosting service (10GB). Since I already had a domain (adquiered though I created my account using the mane of this domain "galeriadesierto", so I could transfer the domain from to EverWeb. I created my EverWeb account and I placed a domain transfer order with but unfortunately it failed. The reason for the failure is that the domain is locked at current registrar, and it will be locked untill 2017.
So I want to keep my account but with another name, beacuse I cannot publish my website under the current name (which I imagined is linked to the domain name); this is, the current account mane "" is the same than my Akky domain name "", and since the transfer failed I prefer to use another name account and domain. I adquiered a new domain directly with EverWeb "", and try to add the domain to my account (with the Addon domain) but still I cannot publish my site.
How can I change my account name to match with my new domain name?
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Your domain is NOT locked until 2017. Domains are only locked for 60 days after purchasing them.

You can tell to unlock the domain for you and then resubmit the transfer to your account.


You can change the nameservers for your domain to point to our servers. No transferring is required than, or you can transfer again in the future, but you will be able to use your current domain with your EverWeb + Hosting account.

For more information;

1. To transfer your domain see this article;
I received a Domain Transfer Failed email. What should I do.

2. To update your nameservers see this article and start from step 3;
I can't transfer my domain to you, can I still use it with my EverWeb website?

Last edit 8 years ago

EverWeb Developer
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User: Ía N. 8 years ago
Thanks Paul,
I had success in unlocking my domain and it is already being transfered to EverWeb/Rage services.
But still, I have problems with my website publication. I have been trying to publish it since yerterday, I followed all the instructions (it suppose to be so easy!), and EverWeb seems to work fine, till the point when I go to see my site, and the server is unknown :(
It has to be with the tranfer issue?
I'm using an add domain, so I don't thik this is the problem, right?

Last edit 8 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Please see my response to your other forum post.

EverWeb Developer

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