Viewing Display a different url for a page?

Display a different url for a page?

User: James G. 8 years ago
On one of my sites I would like to make a section that displays a different url for those pages. I have looked on the interwebs but found things that either I don't want to do (create an iframe for image of page), or various code for various setups.
I am not trying to 'fool' anyone, it is just an 'experience' I would like to offer, including the url looking correct for what you are seeing. I want to make a 'deep web' experience, and would like to not display, and would like to display something like 8ftyn5kde.onion.
Is it possible to do this with a regular page and not get in trouble with some power that be?
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Register the 8ftyn5kde.onion domainname.

Then link to that domainname.

Here's how you can change the link in the menu :

PS. Here's how to register an onion domainname :

Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
Thank you for the suggestion Jumbo. The problem with it is that onion domains are the domain of TOR, and regular browsers can't open the onions.

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