Viewing Change Paypal Buy now button

Change Paypal Buy now button

User: Menno W. 8 years ago
I try to change the Paypal 'Buy Now' button with the option 'Custom button'. But what happens is that the image which i use comes as very large image which i cannot change in size. There's no possibility to change this.
Is there perhaps any other solution, or am i doing something wrong?

I included an attachment.

Yours truly,
Menno Westerkamp

Schermafbeelding 2016-01-06 om 13.15.14.png
Changing 'Buy now' button
User: wellnl 8 years ago
HI Menno

I just tested this and it seems to work OK for me... is the button just looking large in EW's editor window? What happens if you preview does it still look large there? If the image is large in the editor window it may be that the widget has not refreshed properly. Try adding a space at the end of a field label (e.g. the options label) as this should get the widget to refresh and may resize the button properly for you... you can remove the space later after testing...
User: Roddy 8 years ago
The default PayPal widget has no option to resize the button image so you need to create one that is exactly the size you require it to appear on the web page before importing into EverWeb.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
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