Viewing use of webcrusher

use of webcrusher

User: Christian T. 8 years ago
i have used webcrusher with everweb ( saved me like 8MB ).
i have saved the results in a folder but cant figure out how to fetch this folder/files to upload to my everweb acount.
the only option i have, it says is to upload via ftp server…?
Can someone explain the way to upload the saved files up to my everweb accourt ?

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
WebCrusher cannot publish directly to your EverWeb account, it's been discontinued.

In EverWeb's preferences you will see an option to optimize PNG files and JPEGs. If you select the option to optimize PNG files publishing will take longer but EverWeb does essentially what WebCrusher does.

EverWeb Developer
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
Merci Paul

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