Viewing website improvement some advice needed

website improvement some advice needed

User: Christian T. 8 years ago
according to site analyzer i would have to work on some stuff on my website.
SEO is ok i guess...
some are allready done ( Facebook, G+,twitter ) but some it seams are not possible with everweb.
Could someone tell me what i can and can not improve?
if interested to check out;

thanks for feedback
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
The ones that will take some time cheking this out and give me some good infos, i will send some REAL swiss chocolate to thank them:-)
User: Jumbo T. 8 years ago
Use the URL link above the textfield to make clickable links.
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
sorry i dont really understand wat to do
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
sorry i dont really understand wat to do
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
sorry i dont really understand wat to do
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
sorry i dont really understand wat to do
User: James G. 8 years ago
What Jumbo is saying is when you want to post a link here, you click the URL button above the Text Box, enter the URL, then enter the word(s) you want the link to say, and you will end up with a link like this, instead of

I looked at the analyzer and can comment on some of it. Looking at the Content part and looking at you site, it is telling you that you need more text on your pages. You need to add AltText to images (when I hover nothing comes up), and it-is-best-to-name-images-like-this, rather_than_like_this, or like this. It is also saying that you kind of do not have defined keywords. You want to pick some words that people will use when searching for stairs, and craft the writing around those words.
When you click on an image you get taken to a page with pictures of those style of stairs. You should add blocks of text to describe each separate group of images. Think of how people would search for that set of stairs and try to craft a paragraph that uses the words they will use for searching. Even have a new page open when you click on an image and have a page devoted to that set of stairs.
For the Executive set, try to maybe use keywords like 'sleek', 'glass landing', 'polished metal', 'modern industrial look'. Things like that.
For crafting content, you really want to try to grab a few words and try to 'own' those words for search. Look at how your competition uses words and try to craft something that does better for search.
User: Christian T. 8 years ago
Ok thank you Jim i will try the things you say.
Chocolate for you if you give me your email adress
mine is on the post 7

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