Viewing Start over again?

Start over again?

User: Robert.tilly 8 years ago
I'd like to ask if a new version of Everweb (with huge updates, different functions) comes out I have to start over my project again?

Thanks for the answer

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
No, of course not :-)

EverWeb Developer
User: Robert.tilly 8 years ago
Ok, but I made a website with 1.6 and many functions doesn't work f.e. the items positions now 0:0
and the navigation menu seems doesnt update.
User: Robert.tilly 8 years ago
When I updated to 1.8
User: Robert.tilly 8 years ago
In 1.9.5 the positions of an object don't work.
User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Please make sure to read what it says in that forum thread. Version 1.9.5 is a beta version so some things may not work.

This particular issue is fixed for the next beta version. You should download the official release from our website at

EverWeb Developer

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