Viewing I want to allow downloads, only by getting name and email address

I want to allow downloads, only by getting name and email address

User: Andreas M. 8 years ago

How can I realize, that I get name and email address before someone can download a file?
Is there any chance to realize it with EverWeb?

User: Paul-RAGESW 8 years ago
Hi Andy,

You could do this with the HTML Snippet and a script you can find online. I don't have one off hand.

The easiest way would be to use a service like MailChimp and put up a form asking for an email. Then set up the auto responder in MailChimp to supply a download URL to the user. This also ensure the email used is a valid email address.

Hope this helps,

EverWeb Developer
User: Andreas M. 8 years ago
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your quick reply. That sounds doable.
I will check this.

Best regards

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