Viewing Can't upload

Can't upload

User: Susan S. 8 years ago
I've somehow screwed something up. Everweb works fine on my other websites.

I redid a friends site, made a new master page and copied and pasted the info from the old site to the new. When I go to upload it hangs up on the gallery page which is a directory with 4 pages under it.

That little gray box drops down at the top of Everweb and it goes thru the first 3 pages and then gets to the gallery and it stops (or to the first page in the gallery directory) I have to go to force quit to stop it.

So clearly somehow I must have messed up the directly. Is there some way to tell what is wrong so I don't have to recreate the entire page? Just looking for an easy answer but there might not be one!

PS: I just made a new Gallery page, turned it into a directory and copied and pasted the text from the first gallery page into it. then I grabbed the 4 pages that go into the directory and moved them into the new gallery page. Tried to upload and the same thing happened it hung up on the "harwich" page of the gallery. What is odd is that I've updated the website many times before. Now I made a new design and again just copied and pasted all the text and pictures and it won't work. this is the old website gallery page that I'm trying to replace. Again, it works fine URL of old site:

Both the old and new websites have huge image galleries in them with lots of pictures in them.


Last edit 8 years ago
User: James G. 8 years ago
What version of EW are you using?
When you say - I just made a new Gallery page, turned it into a directory and copied and pasted the text from the first gallery page into it. - Does that mean you put the items on the Directory page or on the first page in the Directory?
I do not mess with Directories much. In ver 1.9 when you create a Directory you are prevented from adding to that page (folder). In earlier versions (not sure when it changed) you were able to add to that page (folder) but it was not advisable.
Btw, it was nice to be taken back to my childhood seeing the Cape Cod architecture (I was in Framingham).
User: Susan S. 8 years ago
Oh thanks on the architecture bit. I don't know what I did but I redid the pages for the 6x and it worked. I wish I knew what I did because that would make life a lot easier!!

I'm not sure what you mean by you can't add pages to a directory?? I have version 1.9 update 1440. Again it seems to have gotten fixed but I don't know why, again it was all copied and pasted. Grrrrrr.

User: James G. 8 years ago
I am glad it fixed itself.
I think you misread. In older versions people would have problems with Directories. Sometimes it would stem from adding items to the Directory Page instead of the first page in a Directory. We are now prevented from adding to the Directory Page, since it is now a Folder.
If you experience this again, post in the Bug Reports forum, it could be a glitch in 1.9. It may also be working out the kinks of the smaller website upload feature. I updated yesterday and first thing I did was save each site, then Publish Entire Site for each url I have. What I noticed was each site took about the same time to save and to upload whether it was 1 page of nothing or 50 pages of images and videos.

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