Viewing New page not on web site

New page not on web site

User: Judith K. 8 years ago
I am creating a new web site, using another host, not EverWeb. I am using Mac OS 10.9.5. My home page and other page were published, but a third page that I created later does not appear in the new web site. When I hit the Publish button, it appears that the page publishes, and the red dot is gone. However, what I see when I run Preview does not appear on the web site. I believe my Publisher Settings are correct. What can I do? Thanks, Judy
User: Roddy 8 years ago
Make sure you empty your browser cache/history before previewing the site on the server. Don't use Safari - use Google Chrome instead.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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