Viewing Sliding sites in Everweb?

Sliding sites in Everweb?

User: Ralf E. 9 years ago
is it possible, to create a website like this:

Thanks for your help.


Website Lukas Podolski
User: Jumbo T. 9 years ago
It's based on this :

At a first glance it's a full page slideshow.

Try it with the EW image slider first.

Make it full width. No thumbs. Etc...
User: Ralf E. 9 years ago
Thanks for your idea. i tried the EW Image slider. Then i can change the Image but not the text or the buttons. :-/
User: Jumbo T. 9 years ago
You can also search for solutions :

Then find this one :
User: Roddy 9 years ago
The Maxi and the Background slider will create full size sliders.

If you want to add content too, you can use on of the the Responsive widgets like THIS one. Set their minimum with to about 3000px an they will fill just about any screen.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Ralf E. 9 years ago
Quote: Jumbo T. - 23/08/2015 11:35:47

Hey Jumbo T., this is it, what i´m looking for. But I'm not a professional in code. how can I embed it to my website? Thanks again.
User: Ralf E. 9 years ago
Quote: Jumbo T. - 23/08/2015 11:35:47

Hey Jumbo T., this is it, what i´m looking for. But I'm not a professional in code. how can I embed it to my website? Thanks again.
User: Roddy 9 years ago
Here's an example of Super Slides in EverWeb using a widget.

It's a little rough but can be polished up if anyone needs to use it.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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