Viewing Deleting jpeg pics on image slider widget

Deleting jpeg pics on image slider widget

User: Eduard V. 9 years ago
After dragging the image slider in position I noticed that some of the jpeg files I used had a low resolution and did not look good enough for the site. So I tried to delete them in the line-up of the widget; but there is now way to delete them. You have to remove the whole widget, start her up again, type in all the tags etc. Very cumbersome! Or am I doing something wrong here? If so, please help me out....

Thanks a million, E from Holland
User: Jumbo T. 9 years ago
Select the image in the list and hit the delete button (<---)
User: Eduard V. 9 years ago
Dear Jumbo,

If it was as easy as that I would not have posted this thread. But I am afraid the delete option does not work! Hence my question!
User: Jumbo T. 9 years ago
It works in EW 1.8.2
User: James G. 9 years ago
What happens if you delete them from the Assets list?
User: Yelena 9 years ago
Delete command works fine for me...

MacBook Pro OS X 10.10.3
IMac 21&quot; OS X 10.10.3
User: Eduard V. 9 years ago
Well, you've gotta believe me. I use 1.8.2. as well (on OSX Yosemite 10.10.5) and Everweb performs a short screenflash when I use the delete key while in the widget settings (meaning not allowed). But I am fine with it now. I just start a new widget after deleting the old and start anew. A bit of a pain in the neck but I can live with it. Thanks for trying to help!
User: Paul-RAGESW 9 years ago
I just tried it and it works OK for me as well. Perhaps a video recording of what you are doing could help me see if you are doing anything differently.

You can record your screen using Quicktime which is in your Applications folder. Open Quicktime and select 'New Screen Recording' from the File menu.

Once you are done, your recording will be on your desktop. Please upload the .mov file to, or and post the link here.

EverWeb Developer

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