Viewing Phone number color...

Phone number color...

User: Steve 9 years ago
When you add a phone number to your page/mobile page it automatically comes up on iOS as a blue link that can be used to dial the number...

How do you change the color of the link and still have it work as a link? It can't be done in the link section of the EW inspector, because EW doesn't recognize it as a link..


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Ozzy S. 9 years ago
If you turn phone detection off on iOS devices by using the below code from Apple, create an HTML snippet with <a href="tel:1234567890" style="color:#000000">Call Me</a> as the code (and change the color and phone number to your liking), then it should work.

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no">

Last edit 9 years ago

Ozzy Simpson | Oznorts
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User: Steve 9 years ago
I put <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> in a snippet, but iOS still makes it blue... Not that interested in doing the "Call Me" thing.


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Ozzy S. 9 years ago
You can change whatever is between the <a> and </a> tags. Try putting the <meta> tag in the header code box.

Ozzy Simpson | Oznorts
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User: Steve 9 years ago
Thank Ozzy.. I found this piece that seems to work too...

<span style="color:#000000; font-size:18px;" >Call Us: <a href="tel:1234567890" style="color:#000000;">1-2345-678-90</a></span>

How would I call out a font?


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Ozzy S. 9 years ago
In the <span>'s style="" add font-family:sans-serif;. You can change the sans-serif to the name of the font. What's the font?

Ozzy Simpson | Oznorts
EverWeb users get a 10% discount on our hosting services! Just use promo code EVERWEB10 to receive the discount!
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User: Steve 9 years ago
Thanks... I ended up using this..

<span style="font-family:Helvetica;color:#000000; font-size:18px;" >Call Us: <a href="tel:5555555555" style="color:#000000;">555-555-5555</a></span>

MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Frank D. 6 years ago
The code Steve posted on here works great, I was wondering what to put in the HTML snippet so my phone number is in a row by itself. Like this:


User: Roddy 6 years ago
You will find the correct format for a phone link on THIS page.

The meta tag for inserting into the page or site wide Head Code box is shown on THIS page.

To create a return when inserting text in an HTML snippet - or any other widget - use an HTML line break <br> See THIS page for more info.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Frank D. 6 years ago
Thank you Roddy!

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