Viewing FTP and SFTP


User: Carol Ann L. 10 years ago
I publish two websites, one to GoDaddy, the other to a private network. I published the GoDaddy site using FTP with no problem. However, the second, private server is giving me a problem.

They use SFTP protocol and I have had to publish using a third-party program called Cyberduck. I would like to publish directly to this private site and I have tried both protocols on your menu, FTP and FTP with SSL, etc.

Neither of these are working. I have changed the port to what the IT person told me to and set everything up accordingly. Still not working because it will not connect to the server.

Any suggestions? I'm not getting any error messages as it just puts up the bar with the word "connecting" below it but nothing happens.
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
If it is FTP over SSH then unfortunately you cannot publish from EverWeb to your FTP server. You must use a third party FTP client.

EverWeb supports regular FTP and FTP over SSL.

Last edit 10 years ago

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Hi Carol,

Just to let you know, FTP over SSH is included in EverWeb 2.6, which is currently in beta testing but we hope to have released very soon.

EverWeb Developer
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