Viewing Contact Form Widget

Contact Form Widget

User: Jonkeba 10 years ago
I've created the Widget Contact Form but when I view it in Preview, I'm unable to send myself an email.

Does that mean I need to Publish it first? I realize this is simple stuff... but haven't yet found instructions so I can troubleshoot. Is there something in the videos / manual—or the knowledge base—I ought to take a look at?


Last edit 10 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
You have to publish your site to a server for the contact form to work.

EverWeb Developer
User: Jonkeba 10 years ago
Published my entire site twice but the Contact Form still doesn't work in sending myself an e-mail.

I checked both my Apple Mail Inbox and the "Check Email online" in the Site Publishing Settings.

By the way, I noticed that when I clicked on the "Submit" option, the reply that the e-mail had been sent was instantaneous—not even a second's delay. Is there something else I can check out?

Here's the url in the event you need it...

Last edit 10 years ago
User: Jonkeba 10 years ago
My mistake—entered my email address incorrectly. Sorry about that.
User: Jayse S. 10 years ago
I published my site to my server (godaddy) and the form is still not working. I have done this repeatedly. It is .php driven? My server is windows based and iis7, running 3.5. Any ideas?
User: Warwick B. 10 years ago
I'm having similar problem, Contact form does not give acknowledgement and does send email. Am on Everweb 1.2, Publish using Cyberduck, source page viewed in Firefox looks plausible, and has newly published date stamp, but not functioning, I'm no expert but have checked email address - no typos, thoughts appreciated
User: Marc M. 10 years ago
If I can help...

Some hosting companies requires a special setup of the contact form to work. I am hosting my website with FatCow and, if I want the contact form to work with their server, I have to modify it a little bit. I did and it worked. So just look at the requirements in your hosting company's FAQ and you may find the solution there.

Last edit 10 years ago
User: james 10 years ago
I'm with iPower and checked there about contact form - wow, what a complicated mess. They have a wizard that is a LONG page of instructions to use. So, when I have a couple of hours……
User: Warwick B. 10 years ago
Hi Marc and James, so I checked with my Hosting Company - WebVault - and they say no special requirements from their end.
Perhaps more for Paul, they did question what mail server the Widget was using, but I don't see any set up for that, they suggested trying a different mail server and have supplied an alternate, but I don't see where the widget can be set up to deal with this?
User: Marc M. 10 years ago
Quote: Warwick B. - 19/02/2014 0:57:15
Hi Marc and James, so I checked with my Hosting Company - WebVault - and they say no special requirements from their end.
Perhaps more for Paul, they did question what mail server the Widget was using, but I don't see any set up for that, they suggested trying a different mail server and have supplied an alternate, but I don't see where the widget can be set up to deal with this?


Since the form is on the server's hosting company, it should uses their mail server... Have you setup mail server with them ? On my side, as I was explaining, I'm with FatCow and I did setup an admin email address. Maybe you have to enable their mail server on your side... at least logging in.

That is just a suggestion.

Hope you'll be able to resolve this !


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