Viewing Very basic questions about templates

Very basic questions about templates

User: Jonkeba 10 years ago
For a template, I'm taking the page that works best and putting in greek text for the heads and body copy.

Then I'll duplicate the greeked-out page six or seven times—whatever's needed.

Here's my basic question—once I get rid of my template page on the site, if I want to save it for future use, is the simplest thing to do to just start up a dummy site, using the template?

And if down the road I want to use that template for the current site, is there currently any way to convert it into a normal template, the way it's done in iWork Pages? (Would like to save it as a template rather than have to construct a template from scratch on a blank page.)


Last edit 10 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
You can keep it in your current site project and just select the option to not include it in the navigation bar in the Page Settings tab in the Inspector (first tab).

If you want to include it as a template you can do the following;

1. Select your site in the Projects window
2. Right click and select Show On Disk
3. Duplicate the file in the Finder
4. Change the file extension to .ewtheme
5. Place it in the Templates folder which you will see in the same folder as the file in step 2

Now it will appear in the Templates window.

EverWeb Developer
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User: Jonkeba 10 years ago
Thanks—that totally handles my two template questions...

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