Viewing How do I see my website ?

How do I see my website ?

User: Kevin G. 10 years ago

I have two domain names registered at 1and1, as they are only days old I could not transfer them here so I tried to set them up with the Name Servers given to me when joining but had no joy with one so I setup a ticket and asked for support to set them up for me, I've had no reply from support but have noticed in my 1and1 account theirs been another subdomain setup with the prefix of "new.", but I'm still non the wiser as I can't see my website when I publish it and putting my domain name in the browser, just a page saying "This domain name has just been registered". If I publish at 1and1 I can see my site.

So what would I type into my browser to see my published site here? I'd appreciate any help you could give me, thanks.

User: Kevin G. 10 years ago
Ok, just had reply from support, hopefully sorted.
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