Viewing Page names in the navigation bar always CAPITAL letters

Page names in the navigation bar always CAPITAL letters

User: Mark D. 10 years ago
I've used the Navigation Widget and added some pages to the site. Why is the text of the page names always capital letters. How can I change the menu page names to ordinary text i.e. not capitals ?
Also how can I alter the horizontal padding between each menu ?
Any help would be appreciated.

Navigation bar .jpg
Screen shot
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
Go to the Format menu->Transformations and select Make text uppercase which will disable this option since it is selected right now.

Use the Spacing setting under the Widget Options in the Inspector (last tab) to adjust the horizontal spacing between the navigation buttons.

EverWeb Developer
User: Mark D. 10 years ago
Thanks much appreciate that Working fine.
Also as I increase the padding, gaps appear between menus (different colour) how can i get a uniformly even colour across the width of the navigation bar ?
User: Mark D. 10 years ago
Forgot to add the image

Gaps between menus.jpg
User: Paul-RAGESW 10 years ago
You can either set the spacing to 0 and use the minimum width field or you can place a shape of the same color behind your navigation bar.

EverWeb Developer
✔ Best Answer  
User: Mark D. 10 years ago
Thanks Paul, This is a very speedy forum. I think Everweb has a load of potential.
User: Steve L. 7 years ago
I do not want all upper nor do I want all lower nor do I want just caps ... how do *I* control my desired case? Thanks.
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Steve,

If you mean in the navigation bar you can enter whatever you want with whatever case you want. Just enter the navigation name under Inspector->Page Settings for each page.

The Text Transformation menu I mentioned above is just a quick way to convert to all caps or all lowercase, but there is no restrictions on how the page names will look in the navigation bar.

When exporting your website, the file names (i.e. the .html file name in your path bar) will always be lowercase because this is the standard way to export file names and helps prevent 404 errors on your site and missing pages.

Hope this helps,

EverWeb Developer

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