Viewing Open external link from navigation bar in new window?

Open external link from navigation bar in new window?

User: Peter B. 10 years ago
Now that I have a heading in the navigation bar linked to an external page, I want to know if I can open the link in a new window.

I have several external websites (like Flickr for example) linked to the homepage on my website. When a user visits an external site I think it is better if it opens in a new window. This allows the user to explore the site and easily return to my site.

Is it possible to do this in Everweb?

User: pumpkin 10 years ago

new to web design
My websites: Vocal Affairs // Singkehlchen
User: Peter B. 10 years ago
Thanks pumpkin but that only shows how to link to an external website. I can now do that. What I want to do now is to open the external website in a new window for easier browsing.
User: Roddy 10 years ago
Getting a hyperlink to open the page in a new window is just a question of adding target="_blank" to the tag.

Since we cannot get to the EW generated navigation this is no use.

DEMO SITE shows two workarounds.

Go to the "Directory 2" drop down and click "External".

This is the easy way but not 100% satisfactory. It uses a meta refresh with some java script.

To do this, you need to duplicate the Home page and add the code to the duplicate page Head Code box. This is necessary so that the visitor doesn't just return to a blank page when they close the external page.

Replace with the target page URL.

Click the "External" link at the right of the main navigation and it acts as though target="_blank" has been added to the HTML.

This is not actually part of the navigation. It was created as a block element in an HTML Snippet and command dragged into the header.

The HTML is this...


and the CSS, which is pasted into the site wide Head Code box, goes like this...


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Peter B. 10 years ago
Thanks for your help.
No love yet but I'm trying.

First, when you say " you need to duplicate the Home page", I'm not sure what you mean.

I made a duplicate Home page in Everweb and added it to the site outline. I pasted the code into the Head Code box and replaced the site.

I'm getting a brief display of the Home page then a "file not found" dialog. (The flickr site code works from a regular text hyperlink.)

User: Roddy 10 years ago
For some reason, this forum puts a space between "java" and "script"...


Remove the space and it will work.


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.
User: Jumbo T. 10 years ago
Here's how I do it :

Create a blank page with a proper filename.

Then enter the java script on each page in the footer or in a html snippet.

The java script searches for the link and replaces the filename with the url to the remote page.
It also adds the target="_new" attribute.

The benefit is that it directly opens the remote page in a new window or tab.

A java script refresh does not work if pop-up windows are blocked.

And if it does, you'll end up with a blank page when you close the remote page.

Last edit 10 years ago
User: Peter B. 10 years ago
Thanks Roddy and jumbo T
I don't think I'm ready for transferring my iWeb site to Everweb. I'm going to post this in the Feature Request forum and wait for the smart people to integrate it into Everweb.

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