Viewing First hours with it!

First hours with it!

User: Steve 11 years ago
Hey.. Just started playing with EW this morning... I'm a long time IW user, I can get IW to do really anything I want or need for clients sites.

EW seems to be pretty darn good! Much better then that other "Iweb replacement"! ; )

Couple things that I'd like to see adjusted... Forgive me if they've been written about already!

1. When you adjust the left margin where your pages are listed, be nice if it stayed adjusted, always resets on start up.
2. Make the curser thicker... I can hardly see it blinking in my text!
3. Let use make a local folder the default to publish to...
4. Let the app. start without an internet connection!

MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: wellnl 11 years ago
Agree with these comments.

I would also like to be able to have the inspector so that if I hide it and quit it stays that way on restart.

Also can there be an inspector button at the bottom with the font button etc?

It would be great if these buttons work on a one click to view (e.g. Fonts) and then click on the button again to hide the font list ...
User: Steve 11 years ago
Customizing the shortcut bar would also be useful.


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
Thanks for your feedback. Glad to hear you are liking EasyWeb.

1. When you adjust the left margin where your pages are listed, be nice if it stayed adjusted, always resets on start up.

We will add this

2. Make the curser thicker... I can hardly see it blinking in my text!

I will look into this.

3. Let use make a local folder the default to publish to...

You can already do this but you need to sign up for the EasyWeb account. Publishing like this with out an account is only available during the beta program. Once EasyWeb is out of beta you will need an account with us to publish.

4. Let the app. start without an internet connection!

This too is also only while EasyWeb is in beta because we want to make sure everyone has the latest beta and we don't get bug reports for earlier versions.

EverWeb Developer
User: Steve 11 years ago
Ok never mind... Unless you make this a desktop app. as well, it's of no use to me.
We're testing it for you for free then you're going to force us to buy hosting to continue using it?

Unless I can get an account for $5, then publish to my server... If I find that your "our server only" functions are something I've got to have...


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
Sorry for the confusion.

EasyWeb is a desktop application and you can publish to any server because you can publish to a folder.

The cost for EasyWeb will be $99. The only thing that changes once EasyWeb is out of beta is that you have to pay for it. We can't support, develop and promote an app like EasyWeb if we only charged $5 for it.

EverWeb Developer
User: Steve 11 years ago
Ok, so the app. will be $99. (Rage hosting will not be required.)

If you develop this at least as good as IW was/is you'll get it. : )


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)
User: Paul-RAGESW 11 years ago
If you develop this at least as good as IW was/is you'll get it. : )

If you don't think it is as good as iWeb yet, please let us know why and we will see how we can improve EasyWeb so it is...

EverWeb Developer
User: Steve 11 years ago
If you develop this at least as good as IW was/is you'll get it. : )

If you don't think it is as good as iWeb yet, please let us know why and we will see how we can improve EasyWeb so it is...

No, Being VERY familiar with IW, I was able to open EW and get right to work... I need to get used to a few little differences, but it's very nice so far!
I'm still running 10.6.8 (because of IW) When I switch over to you guys for everything, I'll move up to 10.7 ! : ))


MacBook Pro 15in Retina 10.14.6
Nevada, U.S.A
Apple since OS 7.1 LE II (pizza box)

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