Viewing Copy and past doesn't works since the last update !!!!

Copy and past doesn't works since the last update !!!!

User: Richard M. 2 years ago

I have just one a small responsive row with text and a small layout ! I copy and past in a new page and I lost all my layout !!!! so that I have to re do all !!!!!!!!! AGAIN lost of time.

This function worked before the update!! Stop updating if it's worse than before!! we have a job to do for clients

Last edit 2 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 2 years ago
Sorry to hear about the issues you are experiencing.

You do not need to redo anything. You just need to send us your project file so we can figure out the issue as we told you in your support ticket.

EverWeb Developer
User: Richard M. 2 years ago
Thank you but sorry I won't bother you anymore with my problems, I'll try to finish my project as best I can and I'll let go.

What a shame I thought EW had great potential but I was wrong.

Thanks again for your responsiveness.
✔ Best Answer  
User: Paul-RAGESW 2 years ago
Again, as mentioned to you numerous times. We will fix any bugs or issues, we just need some time and information to fix them.

Your particular issue is related to copying and pasting the responsive row between pages. Which we have already fixed. We asked you for your project file to confirm, but you have not sent it.

All you have to do is open a support ticket with your issue and allow us time to find and fix the problem or provide a solution. You don't need to open 3 forum posts, post on Facebook and open 3 support tickets with sarcastic insults and comments.

EverWeb Developer
User: Paul-RAGESW 2 years ago
This issue appears to be that items copied and pasted from a responsive row to a new page will not paste in the same order. We have fixed this issue for EverWeb 3.9

EverWeb Developer

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