Viewing Page export or copy and paste impossible

Page export or copy and paste impossible

User: Richard M. 10 months ago
After a year of inactivity I realize that we still cannot export a page from one site to another! since copying and pasting still doesn't work from one site to another, but why???.all the other software allows it!!!

Is it me who is very demanding or export or copy paste is not something we do often?

It's this kind of little detail that makes me no longer use Everweb for big projects, what a pity.
User: EverWeb Support 10 months ago
Hello Richard,

Copying and pasting elements should be working perfectly fine on the current version of EverWeb. From the threads you have created, it seems to be related to a bug that was fixed on EverWeb 3.9.0 (the current version is 3.9.6).

Are you using the current version of EverWeb?

If you would like, you can send us your project file by opening a support ticket in the client area so we can take a look at it. We 'll be more than happy to help you with the issue at hand.

EverWeb Customer Support
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User: Richard M. 10 months ago
Hi and thanks for your reply, I have the last version 3.9.6 This is a problem that I had already reported more than 2 years ago !! and it is a pity that it is not solved, it is a big waste of time.

You are on your site, you are trying to copy the entirety of a page to another but it is totally anarchic, some elements are missing, the layout is no longer respected, in short you have to redo everything, what a pity but above all a waste of time, but that's how it is!!!!!!

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