When I publish my website I get a dropped connection error. How can I fix this?

When publishing your website if you get a 'Dropped Connection' error you can fix this by either;

  1. Updating to EverWeb version 2.3 or later
  2. Disabling Secure Publishing in the preferences or FTP over SSL/TLS publishing
Uploading to EverWeb Servers

The easiest and recommended way to fix this issue when uploading to an EverWeb server is to update to version 2.3 or later by going to the EverWeb menu and selecting 'Check for Update' or by visiting the EverWeb Download Page.

You can also fix it by followng these steps to disable secure publishing;

  1. While using EverWeb, go to the EverWeb menu in the top left corner of your screen and select 'Preferences...'
  2. Under the 'Account' tab disable the 'Use Secure Publishing' checkbox

Uploading to an FTP Server

The easiest and recommended way to fix this issue when uploading to an EverWeb server is to update to version 2.3 or later by going to the EverWeb menu and selecting 'Check for Update' or by visiting the EverWeb Download Page.

You can also fix it by followng these steps to disable FTP over SSL/TLS publishing;

  1. While using EverWeb go to the File menu and select 'Edit Publishing Settings'
  2. From the Protocol drop down menu change the protocol to 'FTP'
  3. Try publishing again
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