How do I delete a site in EverWeb?

To delete a website in EverWeb, simply select the site in the Projects Window and hit the delete key on your keyboard. 
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How to link to an external web page in EverWeb's navigation menu

If you want to link to a third-party or external web page, while still using EverWeb's navigation...

Can I transfer my iWeb site to EverWeb or do I have to rebuild it?

EverWeb works very much like iWeb but with many new features. Web pages created by EverWeb are...

How can I add a navigation menu to each page on a website?

You can simply add a navigation menu to your website by dragging and dropping the navigation menu...

How to add a hit counter to your website.

Every EverWeb + Hosting account comes with free website metrics which detail where your visitors...

What are the system requirements for EverWeb?

To use EverWeb you need an Intel Mac running Mac OS X 10.6 or later.