Viewing Problem with backup files

Problem with backup files

User: Dan W. 7 years ago
Looking for some insight. While clearing my trash, I noticed all of the deleted backup files for my main site are only 22 bytes in size, I checked the backup folder, and indeed, the backup files are all 22 bytes. The website project file is 2.61 GB. I tried running a manual b/u, and generated another 22 byte file. Anyone have any ideas as to what would cause this. I am using version 2.0.2 on OS X Sierra 10.12.6

B/U files screen shot
User: EverWeb Support 7 years ago
Hi, Dan.

Unfortunately, I can confirm that these backups are of no use to you. You can delete them.

You need to try exporting to the new place and Dropbox would be the best solution. Or any other cloud storage.

We have a video tutorial about that:


Last edit 7 years ago

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User: Dan W. 7 years ago
Thank you for your reply. I understand that the backups are useless, the problem is that EverWeb is generating 22 byte backup files for a 2.6GB project file. I did set backup to point to a Dropbox folder, and generated a 22 byte file there too. I wonder if possibly my project file has exceeded some file size limit for the version of EW I am using, or possibly a problem between the EW version & OS version.

p.s., I have created a duplicate of the project file on an external drive as a precaution.

Last edit 7 years ago
User: Paul-RAGESW 7 years ago
Hi Dan,

What version of EverWeb are you using?

EverWeb Developer
User: Dan W. 7 years ago
I am using version 2.0.2 on OS X Sierra 10.12.6
User: Dan W. 6 years ago
I suspect it is version related, when I get a chance, I will update the program.
User: Dan W. 6 years ago
Upgraded to ver. 2.4, backup files are still 22 bytes. My other projects back up fine, but the project files are around 4 - 6 MB, the problem project is now 2.7GB.
User: Paul-RAGESW 6 years ago
Can you try the 2.5 beta?

It completely changes the way backups are done and because it is 64bit, it should be able to handle larger projects

EverWeb Developer

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