Viewing Random Image Slider

Random Image Slider

User: Roddy 7 years ago
I get a lot of requests from artists and photographers who need to display random size images. While this can be done with the EverWeb Image Gallery, it's not the best way to do it since all the full size images need to download with the rest of the page files.

The Random Slider is designed to show off these images and allow them to be displayed fullscreen if required. The slider can accomodate up to 100 images and this would normally take a long time to download. A well designed web page shouldn't take much more than a couple of seconds to download when using a DSL connection.

To overcome this problem, it has been modified for lazy loading. This means that only the first, second and last images load with the rest of the content. The rest load on demand which results in a much faster page download time.

Thanks to my testers for overloading their sliders with a large number of high res image files and forcing me to make it more efficient!


NOTE: I am an EverWeb user and NOT affiliated with EverWeb! Any opinions expressed in this forum are my own.

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